What does Optimized mean?

If you're seeing a message that says “Optimized” next to your emails in your account, it means that SendFox is using email marketing best practices to help improve your email deliverability.

The reason Optimized mode happens is:

  • A bounce rate on a previous email from your account was significantly higher than industry standards
  • An unsubscribe rate on a previous email from your account was significantly higher than industry standards
  • A spam complaint rate on a previous email from your account was significantly higher than industry standards

Minimum required stats need to be greater than 10x lower than industry averages.

We Optimize your emails to HELP you.

If emails are continually sent with low open rates or high bounce rates, Gmail and other inbox providers will put your emails in the spam box — and potentially flag your entire domain as a bad sending domain (source).

High engagement levels are especially important for your email deliverability (source).

In other words, Optimize mode is not something we do “just because”. We Optimize emails when there are indications it may damage your sender reputation and the sending reputation of SendFox.

Optimized emails will be sent to your best subscribers: Subscribers who have opened or clicked emails from your account over the past 3 months. Generally, this is a best practice to get insanely high open rates and engagement — while staying out of the spam folder — so we know it works.

If you see the notification above the email editor when creating a new campaign, it means that your account was optimized and the email will be sent to Active subscribers only:

Optimized message

If you want advice on how to send better emails and get better results, so you can avoid Optimization mode, here are some helpful resources:

We also recommend you Google “best email marketing strategies” or “email marketing tips to avoid spam” for more advice.

That said, we always encourage our users to familiarize themselves with the best email marketing practices. We recommend tools like mail-tester.com, isnotspam.com, litmus.com, and sendcheckit.com to check an email before you send for key spam markers. And, we recommend reading blog posts on best email marketing practices.

If you have any questions on the optimization, feel free to ask them in our Support channel - support@sendfox.com

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