What are SendFox's API Endpoints?

The following endpoints are build from the base URL https://api.sendfox.com

GET /me

Gets information for authenticated user.

GET /lists

Gets paginated contact lists.

GET /lists/{list_id}

Gets a list by ID.

POST /lists

Creates new list.

name required The name of the list.

DELETE /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id}

Removes contact from list.

ID of the list.
ID of the contact.

GET /contacts

Gets paginated contacts.

GET /contacts/{contact_id}

Gets a contact by ID.

GET /contacts?email={contact_email}

Gets contact by email.

POST /contacts

Creates a new contact.

email required Contact email address.
first_name optional Contact first name.
last_name optional Contact last name.
lists optional Array of list IDs to add contact to. ie: lists[]=123&lists[]=456

PATCH /unsubscribe

email required The email of the contact

GET /campaigns

Gets paginated campaigns.

GET /{campaign_id}

Gets campaign by ID.

Our API responses use standard HTTP response codes to indicate success/failure in JSON format.

Here's a list of codes for reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status;

  • 2** codes (200-299) indicate success.
  • 4** codes (400-499) indicate validation errors, in this case a message is generally provided with information about the error.
  • 5** codes (500-599) indicate server error, something broken on our end.

If you need any additional assistance with this, feel free to reach out to our Support team at support@sendfox.com

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